Sunday, November 29, 2009


The Crossfit WOD was Joshie 3 rds for time
scaled per Brandx for puppies:
15# KB Snatch 15X R arm
10 tuck sit pullups
15# KB Snatch 15X L arm
10 tuck sit pullups

My recorded time was 12:24 but I think I got off somewhere and may have forgot one side of the snatches on the last rd. All and all a great WOD to honor a fallen hero!!


steven said...

what's all this talk about crossfits, Brandx's, snatches?

jay said...

it is a online community workout thing. all for free they post great workouts, techniques, vids, and inspiration. used a lot by military, police, etc. it is all based around function not just building muscle for looks.