Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Like many of you I watched a lot of the coverage of President Obama's Inaguration yesterday. Lily had her one year appointment yesterday so I missed his actual speech. I did come home and watch it on and Pastor Rick Warren's prayer. In my opinion both did a fantastic job. Also like many of you, I did not vote for Obama but, as a very brave soldier who got to dance w/ the President at a ball last night said, "he is our Commander and Chief and I respect the office and the man". Sure there are issues and ideals he and I don't see eye to eye on, but as my Dad said, there always is. So for now I will pray for him a lot. He inherits quite a mess you know. I liked the fact that he challenged us to help make a difference. Washington alone did not cause nor can it solve this economic crisis. This is America- we the PEOPLE. We make our future nationally through the democratic process and individaully day-to-day. Like many others I have extended myself way beyond my means at times. I have neglected my God, my family and my fellow man at the altar of success and self. So as my President and Pastor( yes you, Rob) call for a time of CHANGE and stepping up to the plate, I pray I will!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lily is what?

I can't believe it my little girl is 1!! What? Didn't we just bring her home yesterday? She was so cute at her party toddling around, chasing all the other kids wishing everyone would stop trying to carry her everywhere. I told Pastor Rob, "I promise you she can walk". To which he responded, "I'd never know it b/c your family won't put her down!HA!". Sooo true! It was a blast though seeing so many peeps I haven't seen and spending time w/ some I've seen but haven't had or made time to just really share life w/. My wife and cousin made one of the most beautiful cakes I have ever seen-actually they made two great cakes! Lily loved her Mickey Mouse one of course!

After the party was wonderful too b/c Rachel and I got to spend time w/ two of our favorite peeps Steven and Jen! Wonderful conversations about God, life, kids, church, all kinds of things. Jen unsuspectedly said something that both convicted me and complimented us at the same time. She called us their mentors. NO way! Those two have done and accomplished more than I ever could have dreamed of! I don't mean that in some kind of competing, jealous way just that they are so awesome. The conviction is that we aren't involved in ministry and really not even committed to a church. Sure there are all the excuses as to why but more than anything for me it is fear and a lack of zeal.

So as we pray and fast the next 20 days this is something I am trying to search out within me.