Saturday, January 30, 2010

better late than never

I have missed updating this blog for almost a week now. Ran Tuesday for speed work and Wednesday for recovery. Then Thursday did the workout below:
"Fry Daddy"
Slasher to halo standing 35#KB 5 each side
Slasher to Halo walking 15#KB 10 each side
Walking lunge w/ OH press 15#KB 5 each sideX2

Main Workout:
6X push-press 35#+
6X pullups
2rounds then rest 3sets
6X lunge 35#(3 each side)+
10 split jumps (5 each side)
2rds. then rest 3sets

30 sec.front plank+
30sec. left plank+
30 sec. right plank
short rest
60sec. FLR

Called this Fry Daddy b/c it sho did fry daddy's legs!!HA!

Friday ran 4 miles in the snow! Felt like Rocky in Russia and kept hearing " In the Burning Hearts" playing in my head! Nothing makes you feel more like a badass than training in weather everyone else doesn't even want to be outside in!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

1/24/10 long run

Marathon training long run yesterday was 11.7 miles at 11:07/mile. A much accelerated pace compared to last weeks 9 miles at 11:23/mile. Having Matty along to help push, talk and compare w/ really helped. I was worried at one point to train w/ Matty. He seemed pretty insistant on being my "coach" and since some who have trained w/ him have ended up having issues either w/ being beat-up from the training or w/ his personality I was concerned. I really like Matty and did not want to lose him as a friend or for there to be some hidden issues in our friendship as I feel others have ended up having. So far though it has been wonderful having his support and advice. He helped me maitain pace but not overly push yesterday and really made me feel like I am on track for where I should be at this point.

I don't feel to beat-up after going the longest distance I have been since the 1/2 marathon in November, so that is good. I will have to work more on diet in the coming weeks to maintain strength but to lose approximately 15-20 pounds by the race. Losing to 180-190 will be quite a challenge in itself as I haven't been that small since I was in college! BUT I know the LORD is on my side as the run is more than just an accomplishment for me it is a way to minister to a family I love so much-the Goodsons! Rest today and then pick it back up tomorrow!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

the chaser

Strength/strength endurance today:

2min. Mountain Climbers 15 sec on 15 sec off where off position is FLR
1-5 ladder of good mornings(35# KB) and pull-ups= 2:20
2X 2 front squat at 55#
4x2 front squat at 70# "chased" last 3 w/ 3X tuck jumps
5-1 ladder of good mornings(35# KB) and pull-ups=2:38
2x2min. of 30/30 push press w/ rest at OH position 1min. break b/t

Felt tight and wiped at the end just the way a GOOD workout should!!!
Some time spent stretching after.