While it is over a week late here is the race report. It was my fastest time yet for a half at 2:28! I was able to take 21 minutes off my previous time at Country Music. Granted Country Music had 80 degree heat and high humidity and the Nashville half had 50-65 degree low humidity but as Rachel has said I need to celebrate my victories more than I allow myself to do soooooo... Yeah ME!! A special thanks of course to God whose strength allows me to even stand on my feet, my wife for her support and allowing me time away to train and to my running group who inspire me and coach me to be a better runner! THe race was just all but perfect for me. I had slight physical and mental breakdown around mile 10.5 thru 12 as it became much more difficult to push the accelerated pace. I feel I did well at overcoming this barrier and continuing toward my goal!!! This is an area I will need to work on as marathon training time rolls around-physical and mental stamina at the end!! Finishing strong as Matty calls it. Amy and I discussed Sunday maybe the need to really hold myself back thru the first miles averaging maybe something like 15-30 seconds/mile slower pace than target and then accelerating in the second half so as not to wipe out too early!
THe week after the race I only managed to get in one WOD scaled from BrandX. However on Sunday I put in 11 miles. I had only planned on like 6-8 but since the whole group was doing 11-13 I felt I need to support them. Several are injuried and struggling w/ their full marathon plans and even some on the half plans are hurt. It was nice to feel like a coach or pacer out encouraging everyone instead of just pushing so hard on my own body. Although, w/o having ran that week I was quite tired and sore post run. I still feel a bit sluggish even today but feel I have been fighting something off for quite some time now!!
ANyways this is Thanksgiving week and I plan on being very thankful for what God has blessed me w/ a beautiful wife, sweet little princess,great family, excellent job and wonderful friends!! Not to mention the best health of my life!!! Bring on the FOOD!!
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