Tuesday, December 15, 2009

heels over head

A few weeks off for 10 year anniversay!! My wife is a saint for putting up w/ and loving me that long!! I love her so much. We had a good time in Las Vegas but decided Nashvegas was more our speed and kind of people. We missed Lily so bad we almost got an earlier flight home. A lot happened the week we got back: fridge went out and leaked ALL our freezer in to the floor, bought a mini, then regular fridge and sometime that week we managed to hit but not kill the local drug dealer's pit bull. Whew!!

Anyways back to some degree of normal now, at least for this household-HA!
Sunday got in a 10K(6.2 mile) Greenway run with the first 5k in 34:37(11:11/mile) and the second in 34:49(11:13/mile). Not to bad for not having ran in almost 2 weeks. Today's WOD heels over head is fitting that is how love is often discribed and man do I love my wife, baby girl and life now more than ever. I also think I now love this WOD.
Buy in 3-4 minutes of POSE and running drills

4rds for time:
5 controlled lowers from inverted on rings
10 ring pushups
10 air squats

buy out 10 minutes of targeted stretching: lats, itb, and hips!

Inverted on rings as best as possible and man that was fun. Really really worked my lats! Set the rings at below knee level for pushups first two rds. then slightly above for last two as fatigue became a quick issue. Went much lower than normal in air squats as I am trying to work on this skill. All in all completed 4 rds. in 12:38!!!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

tko in 5 rds

Todays WOD a creation of my own inspired by many. I call it "TKO in 5 rounds", believe me it took me out by the end!!!
5 rounds of 1 minute ring pull ups, 1 minute ring pushups, 1 minute 35#KB swings then 1 minute rest
went like this:
1 minute rest
pulls:jumping 10
1 minute rest
1 minute rest
1 minute rest

Rds 3-5 were on a continous running clock meaning if it took X number seconds to set up from pulls to pushs or get to the swings I didn't re-set and go for a minute I kept at it until the minute was up. This increased the metabolic demands of the work as it decreased any rest b/t but I still feel this one is going to fall into the power endurance category. Even as I type this my pecs are quivering in exhaustion! Maybe a run later if time and weather permits!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


The Crossfit WOD was Joshie 3 rds for time
scaled per Brandx for puppies:
15# KB Snatch 15X R arm
10 tuck sit pullups
15# KB Snatch 15X L arm
10 tuck sit pullups

My recorded time was 12:24 but I think I got off somewhere and may have forgot one side of the snatches on the last rd. All and all a great WOD to honor a fallen hero!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


The umph is missing. I know no other way to describe it. In almost every area except maybe in being a dad the umph- the energy, the excitement, the passion it is just gone. I have tried sooo hard to conjure it up lately-new workouts, new shoes, new thinking and reading but it is still just not quite there! I guess I only blog this to just get it out there- outside my head and maybe that will force me to begin to deal w/ it in some other way. Maybe some one out there will read this whether intinally or just by stumbling across it and have some idea of help!!??? Anyway at least I have admitted it and that seems to be the first step in recovery!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

race report

While it is over a week late here is the race report. It was my fastest time yet for a half at 2:28! I was able to take 21 minutes off my previous time at Country Music. Granted Country Music had 80 degree heat and high humidity and the Nashville half had 50-65 degree low humidity but as Rachel has said I need to celebrate my victories more than I allow myself to do soooooo... Yeah ME!! A special thanks of course to God whose strength allows me to even stand on my feet, my wife for her support and allowing me time away to train and to my running group who inspire me and coach me to be a better runner! THe race was just all but perfect for me. I had slight physical and mental breakdown around mile 10.5 thru 12 as it became much more difficult to push the accelerated pace. I feel I did well at overcoming this barrier and continuing toward my goal!!! This is an area I will need to work on as marathon training time rolls around-physical and mental stamina at the end!! Finishing strong as Matty calls it. Amy and I discussed Sunday maybe the need to really hold myself back thru the first miles averaging maybe something like 15-30 seconds/mile slower pace than target and then accelerating in the second half so as not to wipe out too early!

THe week after the race I only managed to get in one WOD scaled from BrandX. However on Sunday I put in 11 miles. I had only planned on like 6-8 but since the whole group was doing 11-13 I felt I need to support them. Several are injuried and struggling w/ their full marathon plans and even some on the half plans are hurt. It was nice to feel like a coach or pacer out encouraging everyone instead of just pushing so hard on my own body. Although, w/o having ran that week I was quite tired and sore post run. I still feel a bit sluggish even today but feel I have been fighting something off for quite some time now!!
ANyways this is Thanksgiving week and I plan on being very thankful for what God has blessed me w/ a beautiful wife, sweet little princess,great family, excellent job and wonderful friends!! Not to mention the best health of my life!!! Bring on the FOOD!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


With a refreshed newness I have begun to do some soul searching, hopefully to move me forward in this journey of life God has for me. For far too long I have compartmentalized my life and failed to see how "spiritual" it all is. As I have been reading a lot of Jewish material lately convinced that to fully understand a lot of my views in Christianity I need to understand the roots especially in mindset of where that faith comes from. Jewish scholars, rabbis and mystics don't compartmentalize spiritual and secular there is just LIFE all lived w/ a mindset that God is present in and through it all. This view is really helping me not to feel so ashamed for not being "in ministry" or "active" in a local church at the moment. Shame is a big problem I am realizing especially for me.

I realized that I have never actually blogged about my running and working out even though those are huge aspects of my life. Probably has something to do w/ shame again, not wanting to appear so unspiritual as to blog about anything other than God and family. What a crock. Running is one of the most spirtiual things I do. I am alone in creation w/ the Creator and enjoying it. Or I am fellowshiping w/ some of my closest friends or strolling my beautiful daughter around the neighborhood. How is that not just as important as all the other questionings and junk I blog about? Hopefully I am beginning at 32 alomost 33 to get a clue! SOOOOOOO....

Saturday is the BIG race at least the big one for me. I have been training and looking forward to this 1/2 marathon for some time now. I want to finish in under 2:30 but will see. That would be 19 minutes better than Country Music in April. We should have much better conditions Saturday! I am more nervous than I have ever been for a race. I want so badly to do well. I have been nursing various aches and pains phsically and mentally for over a month. SO in some ways this taper week is nice but I am just edgey about losing the "edge" and not being sharp, crisp come Saturday morning. I am also excited that when the race is over I am going to drive to W.TN for 3 days of deer hunting. Muzzleloader means I can kill either sex and put meat in the freezer for friends and myself. THat is why I hunt to put food on the table and the commarderie of being w/ my dad. Sometimes I feel he and I share so little in common that hunting keeps us close. It really did before Lily came along. Now everyone seems closer if not only b/c we all feel so blessed to have her and love her so very much! I am also looking forward to Sat. b/c I am planning on taking the rest of November and part of December off from training, at least running so long. I plan on more time in the gym w/ crossfit and gym jones type stuff and shorter more speed sessions or just easy runs couple times a week. Less schedule have to do this today kind of training. I've already started that to a degree including a modified "cindy" from crossfit brandX today 12 minutes: 3 pullups, 6 pushups, 9 squats. I completed 11 rounds plus 3 chins. Huffing, puffing and trashed at the end. Loved it!!! Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today there are a lot of thoughts swirling in my head. It comes from the confusion I have had for quite awhile. First lets lay a ground work:

-I grew-up conservative in every way: Conservative Christianity-where almost everything imagineable is sin whether covered clearly by Scripture or not, Conservative politically-anti-abortion,anti-homosexual, pro-gun, pro-death penalty, huge amounts of national pride,etc.
-As a young adult from 18-27 I spent 95% of my time relating and working w/ people who shared these, and sometimes even more, conservative values and thoughts.
-Then at 27 or 28 I had a tragic and dramatic event in my life that caused me to begin to question almost everything. I began to work and relate to people from different perspectives and circumstances. I began to read from differing opinions especially what would be considered more liberal Christians.

Today I would label myself more of a moderate I guess b/c I see both sides of many issues. However, many would label me very liberal now. Here are my confusions:

How can we be patrotic and have national pride in how wonderful America and its freedoms are, yet balance our citizenship in Heaven? War vs. peace, capitalism vs. need to care for the poor and needy around the world, building a large powerful military w/ need to protect vs. need to represent Christ and the Gospel of peace

How can I tell someone else that their loving committed relationship is sinful just b/c they didn't or can't stand in front of a minister or judge and have that relationship made "legal"? I have met homosexual couples and non-married heterosexual couples whose relationships are more committed to their true selves and their partners than many that are married. Can we adaquetly point to Scriptures that explicitly tell us these relationships aren't God-honoring?

I guess the whole idea of us as Christians, especially preacher/teachers, trying to be the moral police of both the church and the world is just hard for me to grasp. I grew up w/ well meaning, well intentioned preachers telling us what was and wasn't sin and backing it up w/ their interpretations of the Bible. As I was once told, you can make the Bible say anything you want it to if you try hard enough(by a very conservative preacher nonetheless). I happen to think the major sins aren't abortion and homosexuality as it seems most Christians and the "moral majority" have decided to take laser aim at, but instead the lack of care for our fellow man. It is the widow and orphan's care we are told that is true religion and Jesus plainly said we would be known b/c of our love of one another. And yet we pour plant derived gas into our monster gas hogs so it can cost 2-3 cents per gallon less and watch third world countries starve b/c of it. Is that the Gospel Jesus died for? Did He die so that on the Sunday after Katrina we could all meet in our air condition churches then head off to an over-priced lunch at the restaurant? Or did He want us to open our doors and say, "We have a gym and we can round up food, send the "refugees" our way."?

I do have a serious issue still w/ abortion but question the ability to make it illegal. Again I am not sure it is our responsiblity to legislate morality for everyone? I do believe we can affect the decision of our own households though. So we must say to our daughters and sons, "if you mess up and get pregnant or get someone pregnant, I WILL be there for you!". (So proud of some friends who along w/ their daughter recently decided this was the best course of action!) I also believe we have to care for the sanctity of life beyond the womb. "Womb to tomb" I recently read is our real responsibility as for as LIFE goes. Schools,health care,senior care, the environment are all part of the sanctity of life as for as I am concerned. Caring for life has made me question lots of other things: the death penalty, gun laws, torture,and use of force.

All of this is difficult for a country boy from the very buckle of the Bible Belt to wrap his head around. But all of this has been spinning in my head for a long time so I thought I'd put it out their to spin in yours for awhile. Feel free to comment, correct, or just ponder along w/ me.

Grace and peace!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Today's post is a bit reflective, a bit sentimental, and very personal for me.

32 things I am thankful for:
1.God- not just for all HE has done for me-salvation, grace,life, redemption, healing, etc. but for all HE is-truth, light, love, Ultimate Meaning, etc.
2.Rachel-my wonderful, lovely wife! She has helped me experience so much: love, grace, beauty, and life at its fullest. I wouldn't want to share this journey w/ anyone else!
3.Lily Grace-what fun!!!!! Life has new meaning, new excitement, even new worries b/c of her and I am so thankful for ALL she brings to it!!!!!!!!!!
4.My Parents- they taught me such great lessons about commitment(they've been married 40 years to each other, need I say more), love, hard-work, family, etc. They continue to love me and my expanding family so very much!!
5.Maranda-my sister, regardless of how we are actually related, can't imagine having made it through childhood,teen years, and even now w/o her.
6.Faithpointe Church- a people who have withstood the storms and, no matter where we live or attend church, Faithpointe will always be home!!!
7.Elijah Collard-My Pop(father-in-law, for those who don't know)His support, love , and lessons on life got me through the hardest time of my life and continue to do so even now!
8.Robby Marshall-even at a distance, still one of my best friends. He'd do anything for me and I for him!!
9. Michale and Jenny Gardner and Family-friends forever!!!
10.Running- there are so many who can't or want. I feel for both and understand a little of both. But I can and by God's grace and His empowerment of my willpower I will. I love every exhilierating, painful, fun, grueling moment of it!!!!
11. Steven and Jennifer Moore- two lovely, big-hearted peeps who have a great calling of God. They took over and allowed me to know my kids were in great and even better hands. I conintue to enjoy their friendship so much.
12. My job- great people to work for and w/, an excellent setting and terrific pay!!! Not everyone can say any of that!
13.My house- its big enough for all of us and to host family and friends.
14. My extended family- both by blood and by marriage, I have the best!!!!!
15. MaDonna- she has a big heart and a great love for all her family
16. Rob Yanok- his friendship means so much to me. He will never know how redeeming many of the things he has done for me have been including allowing me to return home to speak again.
17.Nashville- I love this city- so much to do, and experience while still having the charm and warmth of a Southern town.
18. Craig Oneal- I know so much more about my profession and have been able to do so much in it b/c of him.
19. Marble Retreat- what an experience!!! Saved my sanity, and possibly my life. So much in this blog might not be there if not for all the people associated with those 10-12 days!
20. The Harding Running Team- w/o these peeps I'd probably still be struggling through 6-8 miles. Their support, knowledge and comradary have helped me so much.
21. Coffee-truly the nectar of the gods
22. Granny and Pa- my formative years are unimaginable w/o them. I am so thankful they are still around to see and be a part of Lily's life.
23. Johnny Cash- the man, the music, the mystique!!!!
24. Switchfoot and U2- their music and its expression of faith helped at a time when I had lots of doubts
25. Mornings- not only does it mean we get to live another wonderful day but w/ Lily they have taken on such newness of energy and excitement!
26. Creation- in all its beauty- there is nothing like settling fog, bright sunrises, gorgeous sunsets, swaying breezes, wildlife in all their uniquenesses, etc.
27. the internet- I am able to connect w/ friends and family, find stuff, keep informed and just generally have fun. What did we do w/o it?
28. Mickey Mouse- the best baby-sitter outside of a grandmother.
29. R.W. Moore- he gave me my first shot at ministry and taught me so much about it. Wished I'd listened and learned better back then.
30. Eddie Cupples- believe it or not I am glad for his influence in my life
31. the "C"hurch- in all of her faults and failure she has withstood in order to bring us all closer to Jesus
32. LIFE- to be alive, to live it to its fullest, to know that it never really will end!!!-Thanks Jesus!

My one to grow on would be BR- yeah they really did help me grow into a better person, I hope.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sexy Boots

With the new album coming out today a U2 post is appopriate or is it cliche? Comcast has been featuring U2 with scores of videos and concerts on demand. I love U2 they, along with Switchfoot were a kind of salvation musically for me 5 yrs ago when I need it so much. I still wanted to hear spiritual themes in music but could no longer stand the over sanitized, sterile, same old same ole from the usual "Christian" sources. I use quoatation marks b/c I hate label some music as Christian just b/c of the label or whatever that had something to do w/ the production and others secular for the same reason. God can be and is in all kinds of music and the beauty and depth of it, makes it inspirational no matter who sings, plays or produces it. Music that inspires love, peace, humanity, beauty, etc. plays on Christ-like themes in my mind anyway. Old Blue Eyes' voice is God-given even if he is not singing about Jesus specifically. But I am straying form the original intent of this post.

I have watched two of the U2 concerts on comcast. The first was the Elevation Tour. It reminded me of listening to a salvation message from a great preacher. You may be saved, committed or whatever so you don't need it in that sense, but it reminds you of how wonderful the message was the first time you heard it!!! It remind me of how broken and empty I felt 5 years ago when I came back to realllllly listening to U2 again and how far I have come since. I still struggle and still have my issues including the dark depression that can incapacitate me on certain days but I am overcoming and growing and moving forward-Walk On!!!

The second concert was a bit more of a convicting experience for me. Bono is talking of how he first saw America as a child landing a man on the moon. He is using the moment to talk about us all coming together to end global poverty( the ONE campaign). He says something about how no child should have to die b/c of a lack of food in her belly and I look down at my sweetheart sleeping in my arms and just begin to cry! It is unfair that in today's age of exravagance we have poor who are dying due to a lack of food and clean water. We are all up in arms in America b/c or economy is so bad we might not be able to keep buying more cars, houses and going out to really over priced meals while our brothers and sisters would beg just for our crumbs. I am just as guilty as anyone and I realize it!!! That is why I felt so convicted. I always want some new toy or gadget or outfit. I must do more w/ what I have been blessed w/!
So thanks again Brother Bono for preaching to us all!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Like many of you I watched a lot of the coverage of President Obama's Inaguration yesterday. Lily had her one year appointment yesterday so I missed his actual speech. I did come home and watch it on cnn.com and Pastor Rick Warren's prayer. In my opinion both did a fantastic job. Also like many of you, I did not vote for Obama but, as a very brave soldier who got to dance w/ the President at a ball last night said, "he is our Commander and Chief and I respect the office and the man". Sure there are issues and ideals he and I don't see eye to eye on, but as my Dad said, there always is. So for now I will pray for him a lot. He inherits quite a mess you know. I liked the fact that he challenged us to help make a difference. Washington alone did not cause nor can it solve this economic crisis. This is America- we the PEOPLE. We make our future nationally through the democratic process and individaully day-to-day. Like many others I have extended myself way beyond my means at times. I have neglected my God, my family and my fellow man at the altar of success and self. So as my President and Pastor( yes you, Rob) call for a time of CHANGE and stepping up to the plate, I pray I will!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lily is what?

I can't believe it my little girl is 1!! What? Didn't we just bring her home yesterday? She was so cute at her party toddling around, chasing all the other kids wishing everyone would stop trying to carry her everywhere. I told Pastor Rob, "I promise you she can walk". To which he responded, "I'd never know it b/c your family won't put her down!HA!". Sooo true! It was a blast though seeing so many peeps I haven't seen and spending time w/ some I've seen but haven't had or made time to just really share life w/. My wife and cousin made one of the most beautiful cakes I have ever seen-actually they made two great cakes! Lily loved her Mickey Mouse one of course!

After the party was wonderful too b/c Rachel and I got to spend time w/ two of our favorite peeps Steven and Jen! Wonderful conversations about God, life, kids, church, all kinds of things. Jen unsuspectedly said something that both convicted me and complimented us at the same time. She called us their mentors. NO way! Those two have done and accomplished more than I ever could have dreamed of! I don't mean that in some kind of competing, jealous way just that they are so awesome. The conviction is that we aren't involved in ministry and really not even committed to a church. Sure there are all the excuses as to why but more than anything for me it is fear and a lack of zeal.

So as we pray and fast the next 20 days this is something I am trying to search out within me.