Tuesday, December 15, 2009

heels over head

A few weeks off for 10 year anniversay!! My wife is a saint for putting up w/ and loving me that long!! I love her so much. We had a good time in Las Vegas but decided Nashvegas was more our speed and kind of people. We missed Lily so bad we almost got an earlier flight home. A lot happened the week we got back: fridge went out and leaked ALL our freezer in to the floor, bought a mini, then regular fridge and sometime that week we managed to hit but not kill the local drug dealer's pit bull. Whew!!

Anyways back to some degree of normal now, at least for this household-HA!
Sunday got in a 10K(6.2 mile) Greenway run with the first 5k in 34:37(11:11/mile) and the second in 34:49(11:13/mile). Not to bad for not having ran in almost 2 weeks. Today's WOD heels over head is fitting that is how love is often discribed and man do I love my wife, baby girl and life now more than ever. I also think I now love this WOD.
Buy in 3-4 minutes of POSE and running drills

4rds for time:
5 controlled lowers from inverted on rings
10 ring pushups
10 air squats

buy out 10 minutes of targeted stretching: lats, itb, and hips!

Inverted on rings as best as possible and man that was fun. Really really worked my lats! Set the rings at below knee level for pushups first two rds. then slightly above for last two as fatigue became a quick issue. Went much lower than normal in air squats as I am trying to work on this skill. All in all completed 4 rds. in 12:38!!!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

tko in 5 rds

Todays WOD a creation of my own inspired by many. I call it "TKO in 5 rounds", believe me it took me out by the end!!!
5 rounds of 1 minute ring pull ups, 1 minute ring pushups, 1 minute 35#KB swings then 1 minute rest
went like this:
1 minute rest
pulls:jumping 10
1 minute rest
1 minute rest
1 minute rest

Rds 3-5 were on a continous running clock meaning if it took X number seconds to set up from pulls to pushs or get to the swings I didn't re-set and go for a minute I kept at it until the minute was up. This increased the metabolic demands of the work as it decreased any rest b/t but I still feel this one is going to fall into the power endurance category. Even as I type this my pecs are quivering in exhaustion! Maybe a run later if time and weather permits!!