Today's post is a bit reflective, a bit sentimental, and very personal for me.
32 things I am thankful for:
1.God- not just for all HE has done for me-salvation, grace,life, redemption, healing, etc. but for all HE is-truth, light, love, Ultimate Meaning, etc.
2.Rachel-my wonderful, lovely wife! She has helped me experience so much: love, grace, beauty, and life at its fullest. I wouldn't want to share this journey w/ anyone else!
3.Lily Grace-what fun!!!!! Life has new meaning, new excitement, even new worries b/c of her and I am so thankful for ALL she brings to it!!!!!!!!!!
4.My Parents- they taught me such great lessons about commitment(they've been married 40 years to each other, need I say more), love, hard-work, family, etc. They continue to love me and my expanding family so very much!!
5.Maranda-my sister, regardless of how we are actually related, can't imagine having made it through childhood,teen years, and even now w/o her.
6.Faithpointe Church- a people who have withstood the storms and, no matter where we live or attend church, Faithpointe will always be home!!!
7.Elijah Collard-My Pop(father-in-law, for those who don't know)His support, love , and lessons on life got me through the hardest time of my life and continue to do so even now!
8.Robby Marshall-even at a distance, still one of my best friends. He'd do anything for me and I for him!!
9. Michale and Jenny Gardner and Family-friends forever!!!
10.Running- there are so many who can't or want. I feel for both and understand a little of both. But I can and by God's grace and His empowerment of my willpower I will. I love every exhilierating, painful, fun, grueling moment of it!!!!
11. Steven and Jennifer Moore- two lovely, big-hearted peeps who have a great calling of God. They took over and allowed me to know my kids were in great and even better hands. I conintue to enjoy their friendship so much.
12. My job- great people to work for and w/, an excellent setting and terrific pay!!! Not everyone can say any of that!
13.My house- its big enough for all of us and to host family and friends.
14. My extended family- both by blood and by marriage, I have the best!!!!!
15. MaDonna- she has a big heart and a great love for all her family
16. Rob Yanok- his friendship means so much to me. He will never know how redeeming many of the things he has done for me have been including allowing me to return home to speak again.
17.Nashville- I love this city- so much to do, and experience while still having the charm and warmth of a Southern town.
18. Craig Oneal- I know so much more about my profession and have been able to do so much in it b/c of him.
19. Marble Retreat- what an experience!!! Saved my sanity, and possibly my life. So much in this blog might not be there if not for all the people associated with those 10-12 days!
20. The Harding Running Team- w/o these peeps I'd probably still be struggling through 6-8 miles. Their support, knowledge and comradary have helped me so much.
21. Coffee-truly the nectar of the gods
22. Granny and Pa- my formative years are unimaginable w/o them. I am so thankful they are still around to see and be a part of Lily's life.
23. Johnny Cash- the man, the music, the mystique!!!!
24. Switchfoot and U2- their music and its expression of faith helped at a time when I had lots of doubts
25. Mornings- not only does it mean we get to live another wonderful day but w/ Lily they have taken on such newness of energy and excitement!
26. Creation- in all its beauty- there is nothing like settling fog, bright sunrises, gorgeous sunsets, swaying breezes, wildlife in all their uniquenesses, etc.
27. the internet- I am able to connect w/ friends and family, find stuff, keep informed and just generally have fun. What did we do w/o it?
28. Mickey Mouse- the best baby-sitter outside of a grandmother.
29. R.W. Moore- he gave me my first shot at ministry and taught me so much about it. Wished I'd listened and learned better back then.
30. Eddie Cupples- believe it or not I am glad for his influence in my life
31. the "C"hurch- in all of her faults and failure she has withstood in order to bring us all closer to Jesus
32. LIFE- to be alive, to live it to its fullest, to know that it never really will end!!!-Thanks Jesus!
My one to grow on would be BR- yeah they really did help me grow into a better person, I hope.