With the new album coming out today a U2 post is appopriate or is it cliche? Comcast has been featuring U2 with scores of videos and concerts on demand. I love U2 they, along with Switchfoot were a kind of salvation musically for me 5 yrs ago when I need it so much. I still wanted to hear spiritual themes in music but could no longer stand the over sanitized, sterile, same old same ole from the usual "Christian" sources. I use quoatation marks b/c I hate label some music as Christian just b/c of the label or whatever that had something to do w/ the production and others secular for the same reason. God can be and is in all kinds of music and the beauty and depth of it, makes it inspirational no matter who sings, plays or produces it. Music that inspires love, peace, humanity, beauty, etc. plays on Christ-like themes in my mind anyway. Old Blue Eyes' voice is God-given even if he is not singing about Jesus specifically. But I am straying form the original intent of this post.
I have watched two of the U2 concerts on comcast. The first was the Elevation Tour. It reminded me of listening to a salvation message from a great preacher. You may be saved, committed or whatever so you don't need it in that sense, but it reminds you of how wonderful the message was the first time you heard it!!! It remind me of how broken and empty I felt 5 years ago when I came back to realllllly listening to U2 again and how far I have come since. I still struggle and still have my issues including the dark depression that can incapacitate me on certain days but I am overcoming and growing and moving forward-Walk On!!!
The second concert was a bit more of a convicting experience for me. Bono is talking of how he first saw America as a child landing a man on the moon. He is using the moment to talk about us all coming together to end global poverty( the ONE campaign). He says something about how no child should have to die b/c of a lack of food in her belly and I look down at my sweetheart sleeping in my arms and just begin to cry! It is unfair that in today's age of exravagance we have poor who are dying due to a lack of food and clean water. We are all up in arms in America b/c or economy is so bad we might not be able to keep buying more cars, houses and going out to really over priced meals while our brothers and sisters would beg just for our crumbs. I am just as guilty as anyone and I realize it!!! That is why I felt so convicted. I always want some new toy or gadget or outfit. I must do more w/ what I have been blessed w/!
So thanks again Brother Bono for preaching to us all!!